Read Notices


1.  BEC Annual Day celebration on 26th May at 10:15am Hindi mass.

2.  Next Sunday we will have second collection for the seminary fund.

3.  31st May is Last day of the month of the Rosary. Evening 6:00 pm Rosary followed by mass in honor of Blessed Virgin Mary. Those who would like to distribute any snacks in honor of Mother Mary, you are most welcome.

4.  All those who have not registered in the parish kindly do so and also update your church support fund regularly.

5.  Mahila Sangh form are available, those who would like to join may kindly collect them from the parish help desk. 

6.  Our Archbishop has appealed for your generous contribution towards the renovation of Vinay Gurukul, the minor seminary of the Archdiocese of Delhi.  For more details kindly see the notice board.

7.  Admissions for B.Ed and L.LB are opened at St. Thomas College, Greater Noida. For further details kindly see the notice board.

Parish Priest

Fr. Francis Swaminathan