Read Notices


1. Today second collection is taken for seminary fund. Kindly pray for the seminarians of the archdiocese of Delhi.

2. On behalf of the Archbishop and the parish fathers and religious of the parish I wish you all happy feast. May we experience the blessings of sacred heart of Jesus. After the holy mass we shall proceed towards DCC Hall for the cultural program. 

3. Those who have not registered in the parish kindly register and update your monthly church support fund. 

4. We have begun the Sunday Catechism classes in our Parish. We request the parents to send the children for Sunday school without fail. Those who are willing to sponsor refreshments for the Catechism children kindly contact the Church Help Desk. There will be no catechism class today. 

5. Month of October is the month of Rosary and all the BEC units are requested to organize Rosary in your respective BEC Units. The Unit leaders are requested to take Mother Mary statue from the Parish office which will be carried to different houses during the Rosary. The Legion of Mary Members are requested to conduct Rosary at the parish Grotto during the month of October at 6.00Pm. 

6. On the 20th October we celebrate the Mission Sunday. All the leaders of the associations are requested coordinate for putting up of the stalls on that day. The fund Collected will be used to support the mission. All the association heads are requested to put the stalls in consultation with the parish Priest. 

7. There will be a BEC animators/Coordinators/secretaries review cum training session on 27th of October 2024 in Maria Bhawan Basement after 9.00AM English Mass. 

8. In preparation for the Jubilee Year all faithful are requested spend a “Special day of prayer. On the 12th October we shall spend the day in prayer. 

The adoration will begin at 9.00AM and it will be animated by Mater Dei Sisters along with their BEC for an hour, 10 to 11AM Carmel and JMC Sisters along with their BEC, 11 to 12PM. Christian Brothers and CJM sisters along with their BEC and 12 to 1 PM Aaradhana and Satyaseva Sisters along with their BEC. Kindly follow the prayers send by the Jubilee committee of the archdioceses of Delhi . 

9. In preparation of Mission Sunday, on the 13th of October 2024 there will be a combined meeting of all the Associations in Maria Bhawan Basement. 


9.00AM To 10.00AM - Mater Dei and their BEC 

10.00AM to 11.00AM - Carmel and JMC with their BEC 

11.00AM to 12.00PM Christian brothers and CJM with their BEC 

12.00PM to 1.00PM  - Aaradhana and Satyaseva with their BEC            

Fr Francis Swaminathan, 

Paris Priest