Current Updates
Updated On: 18-Jun-2023


1. We are deeply saddened by the tragic events in Manipur, which have forced thousands of people to leave their state and take refuge in different parts of India specially Delhi. They need our prayers as well as financial support to meet their basic needs. Our Archbishop has earnestly appealed to spend some time daily before the Blessed Sacrament and pray for the church, our nation and our world. He has also requested to take second collection for this noble cause. 

2. Next Sunday there will second collection for the people of Manipur. Those who want to contribute through cheques and NEFT kindly do so in favour “Chetanalaya”. The details for contribution are displayed on the notice board. 

3. All those who have not registered in the parish kindly do so and also update your church support fund. 

4. Today there will be a meeting of Sunday school teachers at 11:30 am in Maria Bhawan Basement. And all those who would like to take Sunday school classes, kindly contact the parish priest. 

5. Next Sunday on 25th June there will be a meeting of BEC animators at 11:30 am in Maria Bhawan Basement. 

6. There will be no Sunday masses at Mater Dei Mass center in the month of June. 

7. All the parents are requested to collect Sunday school forms, fill them and return back by the end of June. These forms are available with BEC area coordinators and also with parish help desk. 

Fr. Francis Swaminathen 

Parish Priest

Other Notice(s)