Updated On: 09-Jul-2023
1. Today there is a training program for all the BEC/ SCC animators from 11:30 am to 1.00 pm at DCC Hall.
2. All those who have not registered in the parish kindly do so and also update your church support fund.
3. All those who have not filled catechism forms, kindly fill and return them soon.
4. On 26th July we celebrate the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of our Blessed Mother which is dedicated to all the grandparents. The Commissions for Family, Laity and Women of the Archdiocese of Delhi are jointly celebrating it on 23rd July from 9.00 am to 12 pm at DCC hall. All those who would like to participate kindly give your names to the parish priest.
5. We will be celebrating grandparents’ day in our parish on 16th July at 10:15 Hindi Mass. Kingly bring all the grandparents for this special mass.
6. On 30th July we will be celebrating legion of Mary day at 10:15 Hindi mass.
7. On 16th July there will be formation of Mahila Sangh. All those who would like to be part of it kindly assemble at Maria Bhawan Basement at 11:30 am.
8. Health commission of the Archdiocese of Delhi is organizing Doctors Get Together for all the doctors of our diocese on 30th July from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. For further details kindly see the notice board.
9. Nirmal Hriday Parish Youth, Tagore Garden is organizing a football tournament on 23rd July. For further details kindly see the notice board.
10. FIAMC Bio Medical Ethics Center at St. Pius collage complex, Goregaon is conducting “an online Certification Course in Medical Bio Ethics. The details are on the notice board.
11. All the Sunday school children who have appeared for class12th and 10th exam of English medium and have scored 70/ and above and of Hindi medium who have scored 60/ and above, are requested to summit a Xerox copy of their mark sheet. They will be awarded on 15th of August.
12. We thank St. John Paul the 2nd and St Monica’s unit for animating today’s liturgy. Next Sunday’s liturgy will be animated by St. Francis of Assisi’ at 9:00 am Mass & St. Thomas at 10:15 am Mass.
Fr. Francis Swaminathen
Parish Priest