Current Updates
Updated On: 11-Jun-2023


1. Today there is a meeting of  Post-Confirmation boys and girls at 11.30 am in Maria Bhawan Basement.

2. All those who have not registered in the Parish kindly do so and also update your church support fund.

3. On 18th June there will be a meeting of Sunday School teachers at 11.30 am in Maria Bhawan Basement. And all those who would like to take Sunday School classes, kindly contact the Parish Priest.

4. There will be no Sunday masses at Mater Dei Mass center in the month of June.

5. All the parents are requested to collect Sunday School forms, fill them and return back by 18th June 2023.  These forms are available with BEC area coordinators and also with Parish Help Desk.

6. We request you all to avail the  services of DCC Library which is located above the  DCC hall. The dailyl news papes, current magazines and books on various topics are available and also you are welcome  to take its membership.

7. On 16th June we celebrate the  Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus, on tht day we will have a special mass at 6.30 pm.

Fr. Francis Swaminathan

Parish Priest

Other Notice(s)