Current Updates
Updated On: 17-Sep-2023


1. All those who have not registered in the parish kindly do so and also update your church support fund regularly. 

2. We request all the catechism children to come for 9.00 am English mass and thereafter attend catechism classes at St. Columba’s school. Parents kindly encourage your children to attend these classes regularly. 

3. Those who would like to sponsor refreshments for the catechism children may kindly contact the Parish Help Desk. 

4. Under Fr. Luca Education Fund, we help students of our Parish who have financial difficulty in paying for school fees. Students who require financial aid may kindly take the forms available at the parish help desk and submit them by end of this month. 

5. On September 24th, we will have a meeting for the parents of catechism children at 11:30 am in the D.C.C. hall. Parents, kindly participate in the meeting. 

6. If any of you would like to sponsor something for today’s parish day program, may kindly contact the parish Help Desk. 

7. Marriage Banns: Philomeen Vadlapati D/o Mr. Devadanam Victor Vadlapati and Mrs. Dalphina Victor Vadlapati Residing at Egypt Embassy, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, from our parish intends to marry George Christopher S/o Mr. Christopher Stephen and Mrs. Sunita Christopher residing at Dehradun, Uttrakhand .. If you are aware of any impediment either civil or canonical to the foresaid marriage, kindly bring it to the notice of the Parish Priest. This is the first publication of bann. 

Today as we celebrate our parish day, on behalf of his Grace Archbishop Anil, Bishop Deepak, Fr Vincent and all the father and religious of our parish, I wish you all a happy feast. 

Fr. Francis Swaminathen 

Parish Priest

Other Notice(s)