Updated On: 11-Feb-2024
1. Today a second collection will be taken for the Holy Childhood Sunday.
2. Toay there is cloth donation drive in the Cathedral Campus.
3. On the 18th of February, next Sunday, Caritas India is launching its Lenten Campaign in collaboration with Chetanalaya against 'disease and hunger' during the 10.15 am Mass. The Holy Eucharist will be offered by His Grace Arhbishop Anil.
4. All those who have not registered in the parish kindly do so and also update your church support fund regularly.
5. We request all the catechism children to come for 9.00 am English mass and thereafter attend catechism classes at St. Columba’s school. Parents kindly encourage your children to attend these classes regularly.
6. Those who would like to sponsor refreshments for the catechism children may kindly contact the Parish Help Desk.
7. This is to inform you all that there are numerous vacancies available in Delhi Catholic Archdiocesan Schools for various posts. For further please refer to the parish notice board.
8. The department of Christian Emphasis of the New Delhi YMCA is organizing a show titled “Mighty Acts of God” during the Passion Week. It will be held on 29th March in English and 30th March in Hindi, 7:15 pm onwards.
9. Today as we celebrate Holy Childhood Sunday let’s pray for all children. Envelopes for Holy Childhood Sunday are available. All BEC Animators are kindly requested to collect the envelopes and distribute them in your respective units. Please ensure the envelopes are collected back by the end of February.
10. On 14th of February is Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and absitinence. Masses are scheduled as follows: 6.30am, 1.00pm offered by Bishop Deepak, and 6.00 pm offered by Archbishop Anil.
11. Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday at 5.00 pm in Hindi, followed by Mass and then in English. The Stations of the Cross will be conducted by different Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) Units.
Parish Priest
Fr. Francis Swaminathan